December 21, 2011

MI-KETZ--Hanukkah Connections

My desire this week was to write about Joseph and his assimilation into Egyptian culture, but I find myself short on time this Hanukkah season. However, I found the following midrashic commentary on parsha Mi-Ketz interesting and wanted to share:

"This parashah is almost always read during the week of Hanukkah. Although that is only a coincidence of the calendar, we can find the thematic connections. Just as Hanukkah celebrates the victory of the weak over the powerful, the parashah begins with Pharaoh's dream of the lean cows conquering the well-fed ones. As the parashah begins with Joseph in prison and ends with Joseph as ruler, the story of Hanukkah begins with Israel oppressed and ends with Israel triumphant and independent." (Etz Hayim Torah and Commentary)


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